Apache Railway - June 30 2005

Southbound out of Holbrook Arizona - C420-C424-C420-C424: What a great sound it was Work took me to Arizona in June 2005. Thanks to the schedule I had a day off so I drove to Snowflake Arizona to see what was happening on the Apache Railway . The Apache was an all Alco operation hauling traffic from the mill at Snowflake to the BNSF interchange at Holbrook. They operated a fleet of RS11 and RS36 (since retired) along with C420 and C424 (ex CP), all kept in excellent condition by the shop forces. How could an Alcophile not pay a visit? I arrived at the shop complex in Snowflake just as the dayshift ended. Unfortunately that meant that there was no one to give me a tour of the shops. However the lady in the office said I was free to photograph things from the road that ran along the tracks. This was fine as there was plenty to shoot there. The mortal remains of an ex SP RS11 behind the shops RS36 700, 900 and 800 hanging ou...